Thursday, July 23, 2009

Joe Willie On The Shrimpbox: "Say No To Teacher Furlough!"

Georgia's Governor has come out with an idea on how make up some of the state's 900 million dollar shortfall. Sonny Perdue wants to give all teachers in the state an unpaid 3 day furlough. Let me get this straight...our state is doing well enough in education that we can afford to do this? Don't think so, Sonny! Georgia continues to lag behind other states in education. In fact we're usually 50th or 49th, either behind Mississippi or just in front. Our teachers are already over-worked and underpaid. Now our Governor wants to cut their pay? How about we cut the Governor's pay and find some other bureaucrats that we can either cut loose or put on unpaid furloughs. Our government is overflowing with employees that are a waste of taxpayers' money. There are a lot of people drawing a paycheck from the state, and we have no clue what they do every day. Let's start by cutting these parasites out. Here's an idea: Governor Sonny could lead the way and work for just a dollar salary. Why not? He's already a millionaire. Furloughing teachers? Bad idea!

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